Life Coach Certificate, Health, wellness, coach,
Certified Life Coach
Health Coach, Certified Health Coach, coach, health, wellness,
Certified Health Coach
Reiki, energy medicine
Rieki, Energy Medicine

Our Life Coaching meets people where they are, educating them on setting goals with benchmarks and strategies. Our program inspires independent thinking about a goal-oriented lifestyle, including short- and long-term goals, benchmarks, and pathways to success.

Natural Vitality & Wellness provides information, education, guidance, coaching, advice, and supportive listening.  Our health coaching will educate individuals and families about nutrition, proper sleep, diet, and exercise.

Working together, we can devise a plan to help you meet your health goals.

I am a Reiki Master. Research has shown that the health benefits of reiki may include:

  • reduction of pain and fatigue levels
  • depression, anxiety, and stress relief
  • improved sleep quality
  • pre-surgery anxiety, fear, and pain relief
  • emotional healing
  • blood pressure management